Major Kaoru Elliott
Major Kaoru Elliott is the Lead for JIPA’s Research Team 1. He is currently INDOPACOM Regional Branch Chief, Global Partnerships Directorate, Headquarters Space Force. Prior to this position, he was a Foreign Affairs Officer Fellowship student at Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey California, where he earned his Master’s in Security Studies with a concentration in Far East, Southeast Asia, the Pacific. His previous experience include a program manager at the Distributed Mission Operations Center, a Course Director and instructor at Officer Training School, and operator and Assistant Director of Operations for Global Positioning System operations. He is a member of the Language Enabled Airmen Program and has Japanese language proficiency.
Major Kaoru Elliott is the Lead for JIPA’s Research Team 1. He is currently a Foreign Affairs Officer Fellowship student at Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey California, where he is completing his Master’s in Security Studies with a concentration in Far East, Southeast Asia, the Pacific. His previous experience include a program manager at the Distributed Mission Operations Center, a Course Director and instructor at Officer Training School, and operator and Assistant Director of Operations for Global Positioning System operations. He is a member of the Language Enabled Airmen Program and has Japanese language proficiency.