
Formed in early 2021, the Consortium of Indo-Pacific Researchers (CIPR) is a 501(3)(c) volunteer think tank and a forum for worldwide dialogue regarding the Indo-Pacific region. The Consortium fosters intellectual and professional development for researchers, academicians, service members, and readers and informs decision makers and scholars around the globe.

Standards as of October 2021

  • The Consortium’s leaders solicit Senior Leader Perspectives authored by elected officials, diplomats, general and flag officers, and/or senior executives. On occasion, Perspectives are conveyed as interviews conducted by University faculty.
  • Consortium members produce Features of 3,000–5,000 words and Views of 2,000–3,000 words that express well-thought-out and developed opinions about regional topics.
  • Additionally, the Consortium seeks Commentaries, which are intended to offer an informational snapshot on subjects of current interest. Authors are asked to limit their Commentary to 1,500 words or less and use endnotes sparingly. 
  • Book Reviews are intended to complement the Consortium’s entire product line. Reviewers are asked to submit an exclusive, unpublished 1,000-word-strong evaluation of the thesis and arguments in the work with attention to its strengths and limitations, and opportunities for improvement. Attention to who, among vast and varied readership of thought leaders, practitioners, and policy makers from across the globe, would find the book to be interesting and why is appreciated. All books are free to reviewers, but analysis must be submitted within 45 days of book receipt.

General Submissions Guidance

Prospective authors should submit their articles to consortium@indopacificresearchers.org. Prospective Book Review authors should contact us before putting pen to paper or purchasing a book since the Consortium updates its online list of books for review on a routine basis. For all outreach, kindly:

  1. Ensure the content adheres to the prescribed length parameters;
  2. Include a brief, 2–3 sentence biography;
  3. Verify that yours is an original submission not under consideration by another publication; and
  4. Attach any visual aids as a separate document and include written permission or attribution license information.

Note, authors must obtain written permission from the owner to use any graphics not in the public domain (USG) or of their own creation. It is insufficient to cite the source of the graphic (copyright on graphics is different in fair use than copyright on written material).


The views and opinions expressed or implied in this website are those of the authors and should not be construed as carrying the official sanction of the Consortium or its affiliates or the institutions associated with the authors.

This site is open access, which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or their institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Publication Ethics Statement

Allegations of misconduct: The leadership of the Consortium takes any form of fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism, or other practices negatively impacting the trustworthiness of our publications or attributions seriously and will conduct or cooperate with investigations regarding allegations of misconduct. Regardless of whether misconduct is found and proven to be committed intentionally, disclosure of the identity of defendants or petitioners will be limited to a need-to-know basis.

Authorship and contributorship: Individuals submitting monographs or articles to be considered for publication will only be credited authorship and/or contributorship if they have provided substantially through research, writing, editing, and approval for publication. Authorship and/or contributorship disputes may be resolved by the leadership of the Consortium. Acknowledgments may be noted for those contributors not meeting authorship or contributorship requirements.

Complaints and appeals: Complaints against the Consortium, its staff, or editorial board may be submitted through the director.

Conflicts of interest: Transparency is vital to academic research and publishing in the journal. Conflicts of interest (COI) occur when an author and/or contributor has an activity affecting the validity of research by influencing their work for personal gain. COI complaints may be addressed to the director by e-mail.

Data and reproducibility: Articles containing data will be considered factual when published. If there is suspected data manipulation, falsification, or fabrication, the director will investigate. You may address your concerns to the director by email.

Ethical oversight: The members of the Consortium enjoy academic freedom and encourage researchers to provide results in the form of articles or monographs for publication consideration. In doing so, CIPR follows strict ethical guidelines for consent, conduct, confidentiality, and promotion.

Intellectual property: The Consortium operates in the public domain, and its publications may not be copyrighted by any entity other than the covered author. Generally, no copyright exists for a manuscript prepared either as part of one’s official government duties (to include direct support of a lecture, instruction, curriculum development, or special duty assigned to the individual), during duty hours, or with substantial government clerical or administrative support. However, a limited exception exists for faculty members at covered institutions who own the copyright to literary works produced for a publication by a scholarly press or journal. Requests for reprints will be referred to the author.

Post-publication discussions: Dissenting views to articles are encouraged to be emailed to post-publication discussions and/or posted to the Consortium’s social media feeds. After review and acceptance, the editorial may be published in our Commentaries section. Corrections, revisions, or retractions will be published as soon as possible and as close to the front of the subsequent issue.

Source: Modified from the Publication Ethics (COPE) website: https://publicationethics.org.