Chagos Archipelago under Mauritian
A ‘Gain’ for the Rule-Based World Order
and a ‘Bargain’ for India
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By: Aditya Ghalsasi | Jan
12th 2024

The Chagos archipelago comprises just over fifty islands in the middle of the Indian
Ocean. The United Kingdom (U.K.) administers
the islands as the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT), one of its fourteen overseas
territories. London has exercised sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago since
1965, when the islands were detached from the Crown Colony of Mauritius through
an Order in Council authorized by the British monarch.
During the same period, the archipelago was depopulated of its native inhabitants to construct
a United States military facility, commonly known as the Naval Support Facility
Diego Garica (NSFDG). Its existence at the expense of displaced Chagossians and a disregard for legally authentic Mauritian
sovereignty claims weaken the rules-based order that encompasses the rule of law and
human rights protection.
But why Diego Garcia?
Until the mid-twentieth century, the vast expanse of the
Indian Ocean was essentially a British Lake. The 1956 Suez Crisis weakened
the U.K.’s primacy in the region. Furthermore, the United States sought to
contain the influence of the Soviet Union around the world. The U.S. Navy
developed the Strategic Island Concept, which
advocated the acquisition of strategically located and sparsely populated
islands for military purposes. As early as February 1964, the U.K. Kingdom
opened talks with the U. S. for the ‘strategic use of certain small British-owned islands in the Indian
Ocean’ for defense purposes. The
island of Diego Garcia attracted tangible interest
from the U.S. in establishing a military communication facility, given its deep
lagoon, adequate land for an airfield, and scarce native population,
The yet-to-be independent Mauritian leadership favored a
long-term lease arrangement, which was unacceptable to the U.K. Consequently,
the Lancaster House Agreement between
the two parties guaranteed the Government of Mauritius a three-million-pound
compensation. Also, it was fixed that ‘if the need for the facilities on the islands disappeared, the
islands should be returned to Mauritius.’ Furthermore, in December 1966, an Exchange of Notes between the U.S. and the U. K. governments initially made the
BIOT available for defense purposes for fifty years and subject to renewal for
a twenty-year lease extension.
Decolonization and the Rules-Based World Order
Primarily, the detachment of the Chagos Archipelago
from the Crown Colony of Mauritius violates the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution 1514 (XV), commonly known as the ‘Decolonization Declaration.’ Under
this customary law, it is illegal to dismember the colonized states before
independence. Since then, London has adopted various methods that continue to
hinder the resettlement of Chagossians and the return
of the islands to Mauritius. Moreover, the 2010 Marine Protected Area (MPA)
declaration attempts to Greenwash, meaning using
environmental protection to conceal the underlying military interests in the
Chagos Archipelago. The
U.S. support for the UK’s continued administration
of the BIOT contradicts their converging interests in maintaining a
rules-based, free, and open Indo-Pacific region.
the decolonization of Chagos would pave the way for a more robust rules-based
world order. Firstly, Mauritius will regain sovereignty over the Chagos
Archipelago under international law. A UNGA resolution was adopted on the
advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice in 2019. Mauritius
received resounding support from 116 United Nations (UN) member states. Secondly, the Chagossians,
who have been living in exile in Mauritius, Seychelles, and the UK, will
finally win their right to return to their homeland. Lastly, the US can
continue to operate from the NSFDG on a firm legal basis. The Mauritian
government has acknowledged the significance of the military facility to U.S.
interests and has been willing to negotiate a ninety-nine-year lease agreement
for Diego Garcia.
Furthermore, it will enable the US and the UK to establish strategic
relationships with the littoral states of the Indian Ocean.
India and the Chagos Sovereignty
A realpolitik approach has influenced India’s
policies on the Chagos sovereignty dispute. Its backing of Mauritius results
from its principles of anti-colonialism. However, it has tacitly acknowledged
U.S. naval presence in the Indian Ocean. Indeed, this approach has been evident in
India’s approach to the Chagos Sovereignty dispute. At the UNGA, India
voted in favor of Mauritius
to regain sovereignty over Chagos. However, in August 2016, the Indian
government signed the Logistics
Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA), a modified India-focused version of the Logistics
Support Agreement (LSA). Under this pact, India and the United States can access each other’s military
facilities for replenishment and refueling. The NSFDG provides India s assets,
such as the Boeing P-8I aircraft used for maritime
surveillance and access to U.S.-controlled facilities under the LEMOA.
Furthermore, if Chagos were under
Mauritian sovereignty, India could establish a unit of its Integrated
Coastal Surveillance System
in Diego Garcia or other outer islands of the Chagos Archipelago. India has
installed eight
surveillance radars on sovereign
Mauritian islands. This system enables New Delhi to increase maritime
cooperation with the littoral states of the Indian Ocean. Furthermore,
Mauritius’ willingness to negotiate a long-term lease agreement with the U.S.
complements India’s security arrangement with Washington, Indian naval vessels,
and airplanes can continue accessing NSFDG for logistical purposes under the
LEMOA following the decolonization of the Chagos Archipelago. Lastly, India
would establish a greater strategic alignment with its partners in the Quadrilateral
Security Dialogue, who either abstained
or voted against Mauritius in the
UNGA resolution 2019.
away from the remaining vestiges of the British empire can serve the interests
of regional and extra-regional powers in the Indian Ocean. The potential Chagos
sovereignty dispute settlement will end the Chagossian
community’s lengthy exile. The U.S. can retain effective control over NSFDG,
which will be on a firm legal footing. Secondly, establishing defense
cooperation with Mauritius will strengthen the U.S. presence in the Indian
Ocean. As for India, it will have access to NSFDG and help forge a strong
strategic partnership to address mutual concerns about China’s increasing
footprint in the Indian Ocean.
Bio: Aditya Ghalsasi is a Master student at New Mexico State
University, USA.