Cyber Security means
National Security!
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By: Nassim Abbas Khan | Feb 9th 2024

world is more interconnected and globalized than ever before, with technology
weaving the fabric interactions across the globe. High speed networks enabling
global connectivity, sophisticated computer systems and computer-based gadgets
driven by state-of-the-art software, digital data, and cutting-edge information
and communication systems dominate and control our personal, organizational,
and governmental interactions at national and international level. Ergo,
every sphere of human activity today is driven by a global digital ecosystem
with an extravagant dependence on what we call “Cyber Space.”[1] The global
digital ecosystem today is inclusive, equitable, drives conventional and
digital economy, supports global supply chain, enables militaries, facilitates
diplomacy, runs the national critical infrastructures, helps maintain social
cohesion, promotes availability of information, and is even utilized for
strategic communications. However, this digital ecosystem with its complex mesh of digital environments is extremely vulnerable
where information and data lay bare on the highway of internet for cyber
muggers, lurking in the hides of the digital world, to potentially jeopardize
it. The most astounding development of this technological revolution is the
fact that the all the elements of national power (DIME+ FIL – Diplomacy,
Information, Military, Economy + Financial, Intelligence, Law enforcement) have
come to extensively rely on the use of cyber space for their tactical, operational,
and strategic functioning. While this reliance has incredibly facilitated and
multiplied the efficiency of these elements, it has also opened new and
innovative avenues for the cyber criminals, APT groups/threat actors, terrorist
organizations and independent or government backed hackers to threaten the very
functioning of these state elements. This exuberant reliance of all the
instruments of national power on cyber space for their efficient functioning
underpins the criticality of cyber security for national security necessitating
a whole of the government approach to counter modern cyber threats.
importance of cyber space is evident from the fact that it has been recognized
as a domain of warfare besides land, air, sea/maritime and space and a potent cyber-attack
in the cyber domain has the potential to generate catastrophic effects not only
across other domains of warfare but also across the entire spectrum of state
activities. It has the capability to cripple the entire economic/financial
system of a country, disrupt vital communications, degrade the critical
infrastructure, affect military operations, steal/destroy classified data,
affect functioning of a government, and spread chaos at national and
international level. In fact, cyber-attacks can be so expansive they could harm
entire nations.[2] Cyber
experts and scholars like Richard A. Clarke, John Arquilla, David Ronfeldt and
Peter L. Levin have predicted the inevitability of a cyberwar sooner or later
which could possibly bring an entire nation down to its knees while a great
many of its people are killed in the process – perhaps in the form of a
‘cyber-Pearl Harbor’ or ‘cyber-9/11’[3]. A perfect-storm-like scenario offered by
Clarke and Knake’s describes a series of synchronized cyber-attacks and
simultaneous crippling of the various arms of Critical National Infrastructure
(CNI), the power grid, communication networks, and financial and transportation
systems thus paralyzing the government with no control over the nation, military
and civilian structures and potentially left vulnerable to a conventional
kinetic attack (if planned like that). We may object to the very plausibility
of this expansive scenario, but the recent examples of some of the famous
cyber-attacks around the world do hide in them the seeds of a much wider scope
and devastating consequences.
The rising threat
of cyber-crimes/attacks across the globe along with the concomitant devastating
material, economic, moral, reputational, social, and national security
consequences are a testimony to their overwhelming capability. The 1999
cyber-attack on NASA by a teenager who stole the software controlling the
international space station leaving NASA offline for 21 days, 2007 attack on
Estonia which affected the government, financial system and communication
networks, the 2008 attack on Georgia that dented its military command and
control and left it vulnerable for a conventional attack, Stuxnet attack on the
Iranian uranium enrichment facility in Natanz around 2009-10 which delayed the
strategic Iranian enrichment plan by decades, 2012 attack on Saudi Aramco that
wiped the data off from 30,000 computers, the attack on Ukraine’s power grid in
2015 where half of the homes in the Ivano-Frankivsk region were left without
power, Russia’s 2017 “Not Petya” cyberattack on Ukraine, which spread across
Europe, Asia, and the Americas, causing billions of dollars in damage, and the
colonial pipeline ransomware attack of 2021 in the USA which led to a multi-day
shutdown of the system and a ransom of $4.4 million are just few of the manifestations
of the potential of cyber-attacks at national and international level and their
direct impact on the national security.
The possibility
of similar attacks by individual cyber criminals or those potentially backed by
a hostile government, on a larger scale anywhere in the world cannot be ruled
out. The US National Cyber Security Strategy specifically names the governments
of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea to be aggressively using advanced cyber
capabilities to pursue their objectives.
US FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress on 31 January 2024 that
hackers backed by the Chinese government are targeting U.S. water treatment
plants and electrical grids, strategically positioning themselves within
critical infrastructure systems to "wreak havoc and cause real-world harm
to American citizens and communities,". Likewise, experts from NATO fear
that any potential cyber-attack on the Air Traffic Management system (ATM)
would not only hamper the safe conduct and management of civil and military
flights but could also undermine the trust in the overall security and
resilience posture of the NATO and its member States.[4]
Hence, any disruption of civilian aviation on a large scale would amount to
national security implications thus raising the stakes to a next level across
the globe. KonBriefing reported that there were 34
cyber-attacks against military setups of 26 nations across the globe in 2022
out of which 15 were NATO members including important countries like USA, UK,
Turkey, France, Italy, Germany, Canada, Poland, Finland, Romania, Denmark,
Estonia etc[5].
This indicates the gravity of the cyber threats for the national security of
nations across the globe relying heavily on cyber space.
There is also a
long list of cyber-attacks on various private and public entities which
resulted in the theft of personal/classified data, stealing of personal credit
card information, suspension of operations and huge financial losses for the
affected companies. This trend of cyber-attacks
on private commercial entities, military setups, civilian/military aviation
industry continues with cyber criminals and APT groups coming up with ever
evolving innovative techniques to target cyber space. According to Statista,
the worldwide cost of Cybercrimes has seen an exponential increase from 0.7
trillion dollars in 2007 to 7.08 trillion dollars per Anum in 2023. This figure
is expected to reach a whooping 13.82 trillion dollars by 2028; that would be
world’s third biggest economy after the U.S. and China. This is largely because
– unlike the days of the Cold War when only a handful of states possessed
nuclear weapons – cyberattacks today may readily be carried out from both
within and outside a state by a variety of state and non-state actors. At the
same time, however, what makes the matter worse is the difficulty (if not the
impossibility) of tracing an attack to its origin or identifying the intentions
of a perpetrator behind a computer.[6]
According to U.S. Cyber Security Strategy, as technological interdependencies
increase and next-generation interconnectivity collapses the boundary between
the digital and physical worlds, potential cost of attacks like this will only
The foregoing
data clearly spells the criticality of cyber security in today’s world and its
serious national security implications necessitating persistent national level
efforts to safeguard cyber space which makes the world move today. No matter
how bleak the possibility of the perfect-storm scenario predicted by Clark and
Knake, the devastating potential of a well-coordinated cyber-quake especially
in the absence of solid/binding international cyber law[8]
has forced public and private entities around the world to come up with
comprehensive cyber security strategies. Today all major nations extensively
dependent upon cyber space have implemented cyber laws to enforce their
respective cyber security strategies. Nonetheless, ensuring cyber security is a
persistent whole of government / whole of the nation
effort which requires thorough understanding of the technical, operational, and
strategic political aspects of the cyber space operations. Cyber criminals and those willing to exploit
cyber space to harm others retain the initiative and continue to come up with
ever innovative ways of attacking which makes the job of cyber defenders ever challenging,
who must trace the onset of a cyber-attack/threat as early as possible and then
endeavor to contain it and minimize the damage before working towards a
permanent fix.
The vulnerability
of the cyber space and its possible national security implications require a
well thought out national level cyber security strategy that leverages on the
optimum national cyber potential to strengthen the cyber security posture and
safeguard the vulnerable cyber space. Its policy guidelines must integrate the
best of available human resources and cutting-edge technology through close
collaboration between the private and public institutions working in the field
of cyber security. The emphasis should be safeguarding the critical
infrastructures of national importance while improving the overall national
cyber security defenses (retaining offensive options), forging
inter/intra-agency coordination, forming international partnerships and working
to improve the cyber deterrence to thwart any potential threats. Last but not
the least, formulation, and earnest implementation of such a wholesome cyber
security strategy shall require a huge number of financial resources which must
be spared and made available because cyber security means national security in
today’s world.
Author’s Bio: Air Cdre (Retd)
Nasim Abbas Khan is a senior writer and researcher at Consortium’s South Asia
team, Chief Strategy Officer, Privia Security, NATO
and Allied forces, Istanbul, Türkiye.
[1] A global domain within the
information environment consisting of the interdependent network of information
systems infrastructures including the Internet, telecommunications networks,
computer systems, and embedded processors and controllers.
[2] Clarke, R. A. & Knake, R. K.,
2010. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to do About it.
New York: HarperCollins Publishers.
[3] Arquilla, J. & Ronfeldt, D.,
1993. Cyberwar is Coming! Comparative Strategy, 12(1), pp. 141-165,,
[4] Defending NATO’s Aviation
Capabilities from Cyber Attack – Joint Air Power Competence Centre (
[6] Goldsmith, J., 2013. How Cyber
Changes the Laws of War. European Journal of International Law, 24(1), pp.
[7] ibid
(With few exceptions (most notably, the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and
the not-yet-in-force African Union Convention on Cyber Security and Personal
Data Protection), international law does not have tailor-made rules for
regulating cyberspace due to, silence, attribution, accountability, existential
disagreements and interpretive issues.